Difference between revisions of "Astroberry Server/pl"
Astroberry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Instalacja == === Łatwa Instalacja === Zobacz sekcję #Szybki Start") |
Astroberry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Pobierz oficjalny system [https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ Raspbian Buster with desktop] i [https://www.astroberry.io/docs/index.php?title=Astroberry_Server/pl#...") |
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You can install Astroberry Server packages on top of official [https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ Raspbian Buster with desktop] system. This approach is not recommended for beginners. It '''does not''' provide all Astroberry Server features available in precooked image and you have to configure your system on your own, which requires advanced understanding of linux system. It's time consuming but you keep full control over the process. | You can install Astroberry Server packages on top of official [https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ Raspbian Buster with desktop] system. This approach is not recommended for beginners. It '''does not''' provide all Astroberry Server features available in precooked image and you have to configure your system on your own, which requires advanced understanding of linux system. It's time consuming but you keep full control over the process. | ||
− | + | Pobierz oficjalny system [https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ Raspbian Buster with desktop] i [https://www.astroberry.io/docs/index.php?title=Astroberry_Server/pl#Zapisywanie_obrazu_na_kart.C4.99_microSD zapisz obraz na kartę microSD]. Podłącz klawiaturę, mysz i monitor HDMI do Raspberry Pi, skonfiguruj system za pomocą oficjalnego kreatora konfiguracji i uruchom następujące polecenia w terminalu:\n wget -O - https://www.astroberry.io/repo/key | sudo apt-key add -\n sudo su -c \"echo 'deb https://www.astroberry.io/repo/ buster main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/astroberry.list\"\n sudo apt update\n sudo apt upgrade | |
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
At this point you can choose to install all Astroberry packages at once by running <code>sudo apt install astroberry-server-full</code> or you can install only selected packages. | At this point you can choose to install all Astroberry packages at once by running <code>sudo apt install astroberry-server-full</code> or you can install only selected packages. |
Revision as of 19:29, 21 May 2020
Astroberry Server to gotowy system na Raspberry Pi służący do sterowania sprzętem astronomicznym.
System działa na komputerze jednopłytkowym z systemem operacyjnym Linux. Astroberry pozwala na zdalne sterowanie teleskopem, fokuserem, kamerą i wieloma innymi urządzeniami wykorzystywanymi w astronomii. Może sterować sprzętem zlokalizowanym w ogródku albo oddalonym setki kilometrów. Dostęp do systemu możliwy jest w trybe zdalnego pulpitu przez przeglądarkę internetową lub klienta VNC, albo może służyć jako serwer INDI dostępny dla każdego klienta INDI np. KStars, Skycharts / Cartes du Ciel lub Stellarium. Astroberry Serwer oparty jest o otwarte oprogramowanie, rozwijane i doskonalone przez astrofanów na całym świecie.
Projekt Astroberry Server jest zlokalizowany na stronie www.astroberry.io
- 1 Funkcjonalności
- 2 Wymagania systemowe
- 3 Szybki Start
- 4 Instalacja
- 5 Configuration
- 6 Maintenance and Upgrade
- 7 How-to
- 8 FAQ
- 8.1 How can I update the system?
- 8.2 The image is too large for my microSD card
- 8.3 How to connect to my wireless home network?
- 8.4 I cannot login to astroberry HotSpot
- 8.5 How can I change my regional settings or add support for my language?
- 8.6 Screen resolution does not match my display. How can I fix it?
- 8.7 What is the source of location data in GPS Panel and Astro Panel?
- 8.8 How can I login to default pi user account?
- 9 Help and Support
- 10 Report a Bug
- Wsparcie dla Raspberry Pi 3 i 4, Pi Zero i... prawdoopdobnie każdą inną wersję Raspberry Pi
- Oficjalny system Raspbian Buster Desktop opracowany przez Fundację Raspberry Pi
- Repozytorium APT dla systemu Raspbian Buster (tak, teraz każdy użytkownik systemu Raspbian Buster może zainstalować Astroberry Server za pomocą 'apt install')
- Interfejs webowy z funkcją Panelu GPS i Panelu Astro (almanach niebieski dla twojej lokalizacji)
- Własny punkt dostępu wifi pozwalający na bezpośredni dostęp do systemu bez dostępu do zewnętrznej sieci wifi np. w terenie
- Pulpit zdalny dostępny przez VNC pod adresem astroberry.local:5900 lub przez przeglądarkę internetową pod adresem http://astroberry.local/desktop
- Szkielet INDI ze wszystkimi dostępnymi sterownikami urządzeń
- Planetarium KStars i Ekos ze wszystkimi dostępnymi sterownikami urządzeń oraz dodatkowymi sterownikami astroberry
- Planetarium SkyChart / Cartes du Ciel (tylko w gotowym obrazie systemu)
- Planetarium Hallo Northern SKY (tylko w gotowym obrazie systemu)
- Sekwencer CCDciel (tylko w gotowym obrazie systemu)
- Astrometry dla rozpoznawania pola (pliki z indeksami nie są załączone i muszą być pobrane z sieci)
- ASTAP, Astrometric STAcking (tylko w gotowym obrazie systemu)
- PHD2 do autoguidingu
- Gnome Predict do śledzenia satelitów
- oaCapture do fotografowania planet
- FireCapture do fotografowania planet
- SER Player do odtwarzania nagranych strumieni wideo (tylko w gotowym obrazie systemu)
- Sterownik Astroberry DIY dla fokusera i przekaźników
- Sterownik Astroberry PiFace dla fokusera i przekaźników
- Sterownik Astroberry Motor HAT dla fokusera zbudowanego na module Adafruit Motor HAT
- Wirtualny GPS dla użytkowników, którzy nie posiadają urządzenia GPS
- Serwer udostępniania plików pozwalający na dostęp do zdjęć
- Wsparcie dla raspi-config (konsola) i rc_gui (interfejs graficzny) do łatwej konfiguracji Raspberry Pi
Wymagania systemowe
- Raspberry Pi 4 (rekomendowane) lub Raspberry Pi 3 (minimum)
- Karta microSD 32GB (rekomendowana) lub 16GB (minimum)
Szybki Start
Weryfikacja Obrazu Systemu
Możesz zweryfikować pobrany plik za pomocą dowolnego oprogramowania dostępnego dla twojego systemu, służącego do weryfikacji sum kontrolnych lub uruchamiając poniższe polecenie w terminalu:
sha256sum astroberry-server_2.0.1.img.zip
Upewnij się, że powyższe polecenie zwraca wynik 098d986f9e31f209e2bf58321977d3d7232d63d2b5981dce5f23036c6ef0d141.
Jeśli nie, to plik jest uszkodzony i powinien zostać ponownie pobrany. Jeśli ponownie pobierzesz plik i suma kontrolna jest nieprawidłowa, skontaktuj się z nami.
Podstawowa instalacja systemu wymaga zapisania obrazu na kartę microSD. To nie jest taka sama operacja jak skopiowanie pliku na kartę microSD. Jeśli po prostu skopiujesz pobrany plik na kartę microSD system nie będzie działał.
Możesz zapisać obraz na kartę microSD (wymagane minimum 16GB) używając etcher.io lub uruchamiając poniższe polecenie w terminalu:\n unzip astroberry-server_2.0.1.img.zip\n sudo dd if=astroberry-server_2.0.1.img of=/dev/sdX bs=8M status=progress\nUwaga: Zmień sdX na identyfikator swojej karty microSD. Upewnij się, że identyfikator jest prawidłowy przed uruchomieniem polecenia!
Process zajmuje sporo czasu więc musisz wykazać się cierpliwością. Jeśli przerwiesz proces zapisu system w ogóle się nie uruchomi.
Pierwsze Uruchomienie
Po pierwszym uruchomieniu znajdź sieć bezprzewodową 'astroberry' i połącz się z nią ze swojego komputera używając hasła 'astroberry'. Otwórz w przeglądarce internetowej adres https://astroberry.local lub żeby połączyć się Astroberry Server. Dostęp do Internetu możliwy jest po połączeniu Astroberry do twojej sieci domowej. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy ikonę Wi-Fi w górnym pasku zadań i edytuj ustawienia sieci Wireless connection wprowadzając nazwę i hasło do swojej sieci domowej do pól SSID i password. Po uzyskaniu połączenia możesz zaktualizować system uruchamiając następujące polecenie w terminalu:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade
Łatwa Instalacja
Zobacz sekcję #Szybki Start
Advanced installation
You can install Astroberry Server packages on top of official Raspbian Buster with desktop system. This approach is not recommended for beginners. It does not provide all Astroberry Server features available in precooked image and you have to configure your system on your own, which requires advanced understanding of linux system. It's time consuming but you keep full control over the process.
Pobierz oficjalny system Raspbian Buster with desktop i zapisz obraz na kartę microSD. Podłącz klawiaturę, mysz i monitor HDMI do Raspberry Pi, skonfiguruj system za pomocą oficjalnego kreatora konfiguracji i uruchom następujące polecenia w terminalu:\n wget -O - https://www.astroberry.io/repo/key | sudo apt-key add -\n sudo su -c \"echo 'deb https://www.astroberry.io/repo/ buster main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/astroberry.list\"\n sudo apt update\n sudo apt upgrade
At this point you can choose to install all Astroberry packages at once by running sudo apt install astroberry-server-full
or you can install only selected packages.
Packages installed by astroberry-server-full include:
- astroberry-server-wui
- astroberry-server-sysmod
- indi-full
- libindi-dev
- kstars-bleeding
- astrometry.net
- gsc
- phd2
- phdlogview
- oacapture
- ser-player
- gpredict
- indi-astroberry-amh
- indi-astroberry-diy
- indi-astroberry-piface
- virtualgps
- gwenview
- indiwebmanagerapp
Setting time and date
Raspberry Pi does not come with real time clock (RTC), which remembers time and date between restarts. As the result it does not know what time and date is just after start. To overcome this limitation, it synchronizes time and date from the Internet. This can obviously work only if it has Internet access. Otherwise your system will think it is in the 1st of January 1970.
There are a few ways to ensure that you system is set to proper time and date.
Internet connection
Connect Raspberry Pi to a network, which has Internet access e.g. your home network or your smartphone, using wireless tethering function, and the system will do the rest for you. If you can't have Raspberry Pi always connected to a network with access to the Internet you need to use other options.
RTC module
Get a real time clock (RTC) module and connect it to GPIO. It will remember time and date between restarts. Additionally if you connect your Raspberry Pi to a network with access to the Internet, your time and date will be synchronized to minimize any difference.
GPS module
Get GPS module and connect it to Raspberry Pi. You can use either USB connection (plug-and-play) or serial device connected to GPIO. GPS module will synchronize time and date with GPS satellites. Note that satellites provide UTC time and are not aware of your time zone. However if you set your timezone correctly in the system, it will be used to adjust the time received from satellites accordingly. Using GPS module gives you additional feature of setting your location, which is required by various astronomy applications.
Manual configuration
You can always set time and date manually after each boot. It's not the most convenient way to keep system time and date accurate but it's good to know you can do it anyway.
To set date to the 19th of May 2020 and time to 11:14:00 run in terminal: sudo date -s "2020-05-19 11:14:00"
Setting geographic location
Setting geographic location is quite important when using Astroberry. Many applications use your location to provide you with accurate position of stars and planets. Make sure that you set your geographic location before running these applications.
GPS device
To provide system-wide location info Astroberry system uses GPSD service. It grabs raw data from GPS device and provides it to whole operating system and applications that need this information.
If you use GPS device the whole system and applications can get accurate geographic location from it. When using GPS device make sure that Virtual GPS is stopped and disabled by running systemctl stop virtualgps && systemctl disable virtualgps
. Otherwise GPSD service will simultaneously use location from two sources i.e. GPS and Virtual GPS.
Virtual GPS
If you don't have GPS device, Astroberry provides Virtual GPS, which uses static location configured in /etc/location.conf file.
You can set your location by running Preferences/Geographic Location from system menu or running sudo nano /etc/location.conf
in console.
After setting location in the file you need to make sure that Virtual GPS service is up and running.
- Run
sudo systemctl status virtualgps
to check service status - Run
sudo systemctl enable virtualgps
to enable service - Run
sudo systemctl disable virtualgps
to disable service - Run
sudo systemctl start virtualgps
to start service - Run
sudo systemctl stop virtualgps
to stop service - Run
sudo systemctl restart virtualgps
to restart service
How applications get location data
By default applications use system-wide location data from GPSD service. However there are some other options, which must be noted.
- Kstars can use system-wide location data from GPSD service or it can read location from one of GPS drivers, namely INDI GPSD or INDI GPS NMEA
- Astroberry GPS Panel uses system-wide location from GPSD service
- Astroberry Astro Panel uses system-wide location from GPSD service
Geographic location architecture
Geographic location system architecture is quite complex.
|----> Mount with GPS ---------------------------> INDI mount driver ---->| | | Satellites ----> |----> Smart Phone with GPS ---------------------> INDI GPS NMEA -------->|----> KStars | | |----> GPS Device ------>| |----> INDI GPSD ------------>| |-> GPSD service ->| /etc/location.conf ----> Virtual GPS ---->| |----> Astroberry GPS Panel | |----> Astroberry Astro Panel
Configuring network connections
Maintenance and Upgrade
Upgrading the system
Astroberry comes with online software repository. If you installed your system from downloaded image file, it is already configured for you. Using software repository you can install and update your system without need to manually download updates. Just make sure that Astroberry is connected to a network with access to the Internet and integrated software management system will download and install all updates for you.
Astroberry is Rasbian based Linux system, which uses APT software management system. You can update the system by using aptitude or Software Updater.
If you prefer to use terminal just run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade
Major system upgrades are also released as a new image file. This is only for minimizing amount of updates you would have to apply between major system upgrades. There is no other need to reflash microSD card with new system image. If you decide to reflash your microSD card, make sure to backup your data first. All your data on microSD card will be overwritten during reflashing microSD card. If you update the system from software repository all your data and files are preserved.
Installing alien software
Astroberry is based on Rasbian Buster operating system. This means that it is a Linux operating system compatible with Debian 10 (Buster). Debian packages are distributed as .deb files available in numerous software repositories. Astroberry comes with it's own software repository (KStars, INDI, PHD2 etc) and additionally uses official Raspbian repository for core operating system functionalities. All of these are packages for specific version of operating system i.e. Rasbian Buster.
Using packages from other Linux distributions e.g. Ubuntu is technically possible, but sometimes requires advanced configuration changes. There is no guarantee that alien packages will work properly on Astroberry. It is common error that users add Nightly Builds repository for Ubuntu to Astroberry. It can work for some packages, sometimes. In majority of cases this can be very problematic and make your system unstable. You should not do it, unless you really know what you're doing.
The safest way to bring alien software to your system is to build it from sources. This way all dependencies and requirements are ensured at compilation time.
Flashing microSD card
After downloading Astroberry Server image you need to unzip it first. Use your preferred software to do it or run this command in your terminal:
unzip astroberry-server_2.0.1.img.zip
You can flash your microSD card with unzipped file using etcher.io or running below commands in your terminal:
sudo dd if=astroberry-server_2.0.1.img of=/dev/sdX bs=8M status=progress
Note that copying downloaded file to a microSD card will not work. You need to flash your microSD card with unzipped file.
How can I update the system?
You can upgrade all system components using regular system upgrade using apt, apt-get, aptitude or Software Updater.
The image is too large for my microSD card
If the image appears to be too big shrink it according to this example
How to connect to my wireless home network?
Wireless connection is predefined for you. Just edit it and change network name and password.
- Right-click wireless icon on the taskbar
- Select Edit connections
- Double-click Wireless connection
- Enter your network name in SSID field
- Go to Wi-Fi Security tab
- Enter your network password in Password field
- Reboot
I cannot login to astroberry HotSpot
Note that default keyboard layout used in the image is QUERTY. If you use other keyboard layout the password you type in might be different than you think e.g. for French keyboard it may become astroberrz (instead astroberry). Change your keyboard layout using raspi-config or gui_rc to aligh system configuration and your keyboard.
How can I change my regional settings or add support for my language?
The easiest way is to run raspi-config (console) and rc_gui (graphical UI). The latter is accessible in Menu / Preferences / Raspberry Pi Configuration
Screen resolution does not match my display. How can I fix it?
If your display cannot handle FullHD resolution (1920x1080) you need to either connect via web browser and set Local in sliding menu Settings / Scaling OR you need to change the system resolution by running raspi-config in terminal or Raspberry Pi Configuration from Prefferences menu.
What is the source of location data in GPS Panel and Astro Panel?
The panels use GPS readings for your location. If you don't have GPS the panel uses virtualgps provided with Astroberry Server. You can set your static location by editing /etc/location.conf file or using Preferences/Geographic Location menu. After the change reboot or restart virtual GPS by running: sudo systemctl restart virtualgps.service
How can I login to default pi user account?
Pi user account is disabled for security reasons. You can reenable it anytime by running: sudo passwd -u pi
Help and Support
Astroberry Server is free and open-source software. It does not come with commercial support. Lots of information on how to manage it can be found in this documentation and INDI Forum. Also make sure to review open issues at GitHub
Report a Bug
File any issues on GitHub